Album Review: Blick Bassy Spins History into Sonic Gold on “1958”

1958 is not a project I would miss if you are interested in contemporary African music. Blick Bassy presents a heavy magnifying glass that appears weightless at the first glance, however it does offer a terrific exposition of his master of music which indeed is all a backdrop for his sombering reflections on the history and condition of his home.

Album Review: Youssou N’Dour Pay Tribute To Architects of His “History” on New Project

As the African contemporary sound continues to grow and change, it is also important to be reminded of the brilliance that brought us to where we are, and celebrate that excellence. Albums like History are bespoke for this purposes, filling you will the satisfaction of nostalgia yet guiding you into the future.

Album Review: Follow Kae Sun’s Shape-Shifting Soulfulness on ‘Whoever Comes Knocking’

For Kae Sun, this record is an expansion of his empathetic outlook on the conditions of a black man through music. It’s a very causal yet highly reflective look at his own experiences within a collective condition of struggle and oppression, joy and love. On Whoever Comes Knocking, with his identity as the center, Kae Sun invites clarity to his perspective by stirring up his sonic influences.